Tuesday, June 3, 2014

Love and Spring

It was a long winter, but its over now. And just like the promise of renewal the spring brings with it new life in the guise of flowers and people too. We all come out looking for love. Love is the pivot point with God but not the kind of love we as humans concede to...

  • Human love is impatient
  • God's love is patient
  • Human love is sometimes unkind
  • God's love is always kind
  • Human love is envious
  • God's love is comforting
  • Human love boasts
  • God's love is humble
  • Human love is proud
  • God's love is appreciative
  • Human love can dishonour 
  • God's love Honours
  • Human love is selfish
  • God's love is selfless
  • Human love can be angered
  • God's love is contented
  • Human love keeps score
  • God's love is full of joy
  • Human love can delight in evil
  • God's love rejoices in the truth
Gods love always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres, and it never fails...
Based on 1Corinthians 13:4-8


The Lord bless and keep you;
The Lord make His face shine upon you,
And be gracious to you;
The Lord lift up his countenance upon you,
And give you peace.

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All posts by M.A.C. © Bruce W. Moar

Friday, October 4, 2013

Showing You're True Colours...

Well, its fall and like the church sign I saw today, that read; "You can see God in the changing season". It made me reflect on whether others could see God through me?

  • What's more important to me, Church or God?
  • Is keeping up an appearance of godliness, more important than the actual growth?
  • How many times have I shared my faith with others so far this year?
  • Have I ignored the need to share my faith with others out of fear?
  • Does change truly begin with the one?
Reflecting on oneself can truly be a blessing...


The Lord bless and keep you;
The Lord make His face shine upon you,
And be gracious to you;
The Lord lift up his countenance upon you,
And give you peace.

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All posts by M.A.C. © Bruce W. Moar

Friday, May 3, 2013

Ratiocination... (rash-ee-os-uh-NEY-shuhn)

Ratiocination is the process of logical reasoning. Logical reasoning is part of our ability to use self-control and self-control is our ability to control ourselves thereby expressing our true inner selves rather than our reactive selves to those that see and hear us. Ever had trouble expressing how you truly feel? Why do we have trouble expressing our true feelings? One word that comes to mind is fear. Fear of what? Being vulnerable perhaps...

They say the bible has "fear not" 365 times, one "fear not" for everyday. The truth of the matter is that its closer to 100 then 365 depending on the version you are reading. However that's still a lot of "fear not's", don't you think? Fear has a way of stopping things from happening. Its probably all part of the flight, fight, or freeze response that we share with the animal kingdom. But God set us apart from that kingdom whether we accept His gift of faith that He gives to all of mankind as outlined in Ephesians 2:8-9  For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of works, lest anyone should boast. So does that mean animals don't use ratiocination? I think they do but they do it out of instinct whereas we use our free will. Everything about us is the exercise of our free will. If we choose to use self-control or not it is born of our free will.

But as for me and my household we will serve the lord...

Bob Dylan said it best in his song 'Gotta Serve Somebody" It may be the devil or it may be the Lord, but you're gonna have to serve somebody. 

The Lord bless and keep you;
The Lord make His face shine upon you,
And be gracious to you;
The Lord lift up his countenance upon you,
And give you peace.

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All posts by M.A.C. © Bruce W. Moar

Monday, April 22, 2013


I've been accused of having an agenda when speaking about church. But then doesn't everyone have an agenda of some sort? My belief wasn't instant nor was it developed lightly. From the day I accepted Christ as my Saviour until this day I have been developing what some might call my world view about Christianity. My faith includes an undeniable thirst for the truth that expounds the views of the outwardly religious person that insists he is saved no matter what. If we all meditated on scripture I'm sure we would all understand that many of  the stories that Jesus told were aimed directly at believers that insist they are saved for uttering a few syllables. After all words are powerful, God spoke the world into existence, didn't he? But then we are not God are we. Can we measure our words at the same level as the Almighty? I don't think so!

One  thing I know for sure is that God has an agenda; that Christ gave Himself a ransom for all - showing that God desired their salvation. For all, for everyone, everywhere it also proves that our salvation is our responsibility as well. God gives us the path through Jesus Christ, and that we must walk that path willingly, and with much desire to learn the ways of the Most High. If God desired everyone to agree don't you think He could do it in a nano-sec? Free will is so important to God and valuable to us as humans that we forget that without it we could have all have been programmed like mechanical robots just moving along doing as our programs decree, without the ability to be make our own decisions. Think about it, you want to have chicken, but all thats on the menu is hamburger, no matter how hard you try you just can't have chicken. You want to be inventive, creative, spontaneous, gracious, forgiving but you can't it wasn't in your data base. You weren't programmed to have those abilities nor can you become more than your initial programming. So you forget because you were never programmed to remember, so you can't.

Thank God that thats not true. Yet we allow ourselves to be lead by societal dictates about the sexes such as boys can't cry because big boys don't cry. My boys I encourage to cry if they need too, but more than that, I also encourage them to try to understand what they are feeling and why. In my youth I had two emotions happy and angry! I never understood the other emotions my upbringing and the societal norms soon taught me that this is the way boys are. What a lie, men are sometimes just as emotional as women and in many respects we are driven by the love of our families. The reason we are here is to learn how to LOVE for that is the binding catalyst that brings us in-line with God. For God is LOVE and we are made in his image so we are the LOVE of God yet we allow so much that is antithetical to that LOVE to happen. Perhaps we can blame it on the world or others but the bottom line is that;

"We must fear evil men and deal with them accordingly, but what we must truly guard against, what we must fear most. Is, the indifference of good men."

-The Boondoock Saints

There is a path that we as Christians would do well to learn. You can find it in the Holy Bible at 2 Peter 1:3-11 
"Add To Your Faith - Virtue
To Virtue - Knowledge,
To Knowledge - Self-control,
To Self-control - Perseverance,
To Perseverance - Godliness,
To Godliness - Brotherly Kindness,
And To Brotherly Kindness - Love."

The Lord bless and keep you; The Lord make His face shine upon you, And be gracious to you; The Lord lift up his countenance upon you, And give you peace.
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Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Pride and Prejudice...

When I think about pride and prejudice within the Christian community I think of people arguing over who's church is better, etc... I think this is one of the arguments that Timothy is talking about at 2 TIMOTHY 2:23-24. Perhaps its best to focus on the common denominator "JESUS" and repentance before forgiveness!

Lets us not forget that at EPHESIANS 2:8-10 it says we are saved by grace and that our faith is a gift from God so that none can boast they are better than another, church organizations included. I am/have been looking for a new church in my neighbourhood. And after almost a full year of searching I cannot find a church that fully understands the simple fact found at MATTHEW 28: 19-23.

So maybe all things are not equal and that equal for some is unequal to others. One man looks in the mirror and walks away and knows exactly who he is. Whereas another man looks and immediately forgets who he is. Some have problems with their moral compass due to external factors such as; alcohol, drugs, religiosity, etc And still more are spiritually thirsty but do not realize the way to quench their thirst. Perhaps most churches breed thirstiness through external religiosity. They say the right things but upon closer examination they are not following through.

Personally I prefer flawed company to the self-righteous kind there seems to be more honesty in the admitted sinner than to the self-righteous adherent. I believe that Jesus was of a similar mindset and that the religious leaders of his time used it against him. When we think we are done growing and learning we become unteachable and therefore unable to teach others about the simplicity of the gospel. Believing is one thing, repenting and being renewed in Christ another. I mean even demons believe in Jesus.

So what more must we do other than to simply believe?


The Lord bless and keep you;
The Lord make His face shine upon you,
And be gracious to you;
The Lord lift up his countenance upon you,
And give you peace.

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All posts by M.A.C. © Bruce W. Moar

Monday, April 30, 2012


What do you see when you hear this word "perfect" or what do imagine when you see this word "perfection"?

We as Christians believers in Jesus Christ the Son of God who with; finality, did give His life for us. So that we may have life and have it more abundantly. As believers our core understanding is that Christ became the propitiation of all mens sins. Which is; He took our place upon the cross He died so we might live, and live more abundantly than before.

Before what?

Before, when we did not know Christ or know his voice. Before we understood that through the act of repentance and the gift of FAITH from God so that none could boast that they are better than any other believer anywhere. We may also understand that we are truly being perfected in Love so that we may shed the world and its ways of judgement and competition. That we may stand up and say with conviction, "Today is a good day to die". Because we live without regret.

I imagine that love is the key ingredient in the getting to go to heaven that when upon that final day we stand before Christ to be judged. And he finds us not wanting because we are full of the Love that he has for us and every person you can see. We are perfected in His Love we took the time to work everyday towards that perfection by not concentrating on others shortcomings. No not others, but our own-selves did we work on. We corrected our own behaviours and lead NOT by word, but by deed, by example.

We learned that loving our immediate family was important and we practiced making every single one of them more important than our own selves. For how could we love others if we did not love our own families? We encouraged each other with love as the motivating factor and gave until it hurt. But give we did each and everyday. And we saw some of our own brethren join us in our journey of being perfected in Love through Jesus Christ the Son of God. And God was pleased and the heavens rejoiced at our effort and perhaps one day we may stand before Christ perfected in the Love He has for all mankind and He will say enter into my rest you faithful servant.

The Lord bless and keep you;
The Lord make His face shine upon you,
And be gracious to you;
The Lord lift up his countenance upon you,
And give you peace.

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All posts by M.A.C. © Bruce W. Moar

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Loyalty and Conviction...

Loyalty is the act of trusting beyond a doubt, a faithfulness, and devotion that goes beyond any ability to corrupt it's underlying intrinsic values. While conviction is the prodding that happens when we are tempted to cross the line and go against our loyalties to those we love or our devotion to God through His Son Jesus Christ.

This world is antithetical to the Christian walk and experience while it has served to introduce you to the value of God the Father through His Son Jesus Christ it will do everything it possibly can to sever the bond you are establishing in Christ Jesus.

Who can you trust absolutely when people even family fail us daily?

You can trust in your walk toward receiving the ultimate gift that God offers those of us who persevere in our Christian walks. We are all at different stages in our walks as established in 2 Peter 1:3-11 that outlines the Christian walk with absolute clarity. It says;

But also for this very reason, giving all diligence...

Add To Your Faith - Virtue
To Virtue - Knowledge,
To Knowledge - Self-control,
To Self-control - Perseverance,
To Perseverance - Godliness,
To Godliness - Brotherly Kindness,
And To Brotherly Kindness - Love.

Where are you in your personal walk to becoming perfected by Love?


The Lord bless and keep you;
The Lord make His face shine upon you,
And be gracious to you;
The Lord lift up his countenance upon you,
And give you peace.

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All posts by M.A.C. © Bruce W. Moar