Sunday, August 26, 2007

The Christian and The Church

Back on
May 21, 2007 I started this blog to talk about the Christian Church and my faith and to find an answer to “What is the Christian Church?”. A way if you will to exercise my faith during a time of rejection and possible apostasy and bitterness. It has been therapeutic and helpful to ask the question what is the church and to find answers such as;

I. We are the true temples, each believer, NOT the brick and mortar buildings but each person that calls on Jesus’ name as Lord and Saviour are the true holy ground.

1Corinthians 6:19

II. As believer’s and recipients of Gods favour we are chosen to outreach daily and be true to Gods saving grace by allowing all Gods children the ability to learn and grow in the word and to do it in truth as opposed to tradition.

Matthew 20:16

III. We are not God therefore we have NO right to judge another person under any circumstances, in fact even Jesus did not judge anyone but reserved it for end times. However that does not disallow us from having an opinion. Jesus said it best those without sin cast the first stone.

John 7:53-8:11

IV. We are conduits for Gods love and we are to follow Jesus and have Christian values but in this broken world the word values gets mixed up in manmade rules and interpretations. Allow me to help you clarify ten Christian values and there biblical roots.

1 Peter 2:17

Ten Biblical Moral Values

1) Worship only the Lord God – Mark 12:28-30

2) Respect all people – Mark 12:31

3) Be Humble and Serve – Matthew 20:20-28

4) Do Not Lie – The 8th Commandment Exodus 20:16

5) Live a Moral Life - 1 Corinthians 6:19-20

Jesus gave a list of verbs that are considered immoral uses of the body: evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony, slander, greed, malice, deceit, lewdness, envy, arrogance and foolishness. The apostle Paul gave a similar list - Galatians 5:19-21. Church folk often think of morality in terms of sexual sins, but according to Jesus, sins such as slander, greed, deceit, and arrogance are equally immoral.

Biblical resources: Exodus 20:1-17, Matthew 5:27-28, 15:18-19, Mark 7:20-22, 10:11-12, Romans 13:11-14, 1 Corinthians 6:9-11, Galatians 5:16-26, Ephesians 5:1-7, Colossians 3:5-10, 1 Thessalonians 4:3-9,

6) Give Generously of both your time and Money – 1 John 3:16-18

7) Don’t be a Hypocrite Practice what you Preach – Matthew 7:5

8) Do not Judge or be Self-Righteous – Romans 3:10-18

9) Don’t hold Grudges but Forgive – Matthew 6:12

10) Exercise your faith and help other Christians in their ministry’s of spreading and honoring Gods word – Matthew 5:41-42

V. We cannot pick and choose what parts of the Bible we should follow and what parts we should ignore.

James 2:10

VI. We should pray for others daily.

Job 1:5, 42:8

VII. We are to Evangelize the World in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit

Matthew 28:18-20

My prayer is a revival that is second to no other and that God will pour His spirit out on all flesh and unite those of us who profess Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour despite any minor theological differences.

In the name of Jesus, AMEN.


The Lord bless and keep you;
The Lord make His face shine upon you,
And be gracious to you;
The Lord lift up his countenance upon you,
And give you peace.

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All posts by M.A.C. © Bruce W. Moar

Saturday, August 18, 2007

More... Prayer at The Pole!

Here is a video to promote the Prayer at the Pole the link please support this worthwhile cause by getting involved at your church if you need more information check these sites.

The official SYATP site...

The Petition for Winnipeg Schools...


The Lord bless and keep you;
The Lord make His face shine upon you,
And be gracious to you;
The Lord lift up his countenance upon you,
And give you peace.

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All posts by M.A.C. © Bruce W. Moar

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Pray at The Pole

Looking for a way to show your faith to exercise it if you will. I recently signed a petition that supports prayer in our schools. This is an event that is taking place world wide on Wednesday, September 26,2007.

The link --> Pray at the Pole

Put your signature to this petition and show your faith by supporting prayer IN OUR SCHOOLS, which is our petition to god to heal our land and our people (the temples of Gods Holy Spirit).


that Your eyes may be open toward this temple day and night, toward the place where You said You would put Your name, that You may hear the prayer which Your servant makes toward this place.


The Lord bless and keep you;
The Lord make His face shine upon you,
And be gracious to you;
The Lord lift up his countenance upon you,
And give you peace.

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All posts by M.A.C. © Bruce W. Moar

Wednesday, August 8, 2007

Walking with God Part IV, Saul’s Struggle

Saul’s struggle was and is not everyone’s struggle nor should it have to be even if his or our struggles directly affect others along the way. Saul was first anointed King and transformed and empowered by the spirit of God 1 Samuel 10:6 the text says he was “turned into another man” and that God gave him another heart so that all those things would come to pass 10:9. The very changing of Saul was a paradigm shift in thinking for at the time the thoughts of whom and how one became a prophet was by linage. Saul’s transformation was accomplished by the power of God’s spirit not by lineage as was formerly believed. In 10:12 it says the act of Saul prophesizing became a proverb in itself with “Is Saul also among the prophets?”

PROVERB, mashal (mah-shahl);

Strong’s #4912

This noun comes from the verb mashal, “to compare to be similar like a proverb” If you look only at the book of Proverbs, it might appear that a proverb is a short saying containing a nugget of truth. However OT evidence represents the word in broader uses than just a pithy saying. Ex: Balaam’s long discourse is termed a mashal (Num. 23:7-24:4). As is the proverb that Saul had become part of when it was asked “Is Saul also among the prophets?” so a proverb is then a way to get you thinking whether through the book of Proverbs and pithy sayings or the extended discourse of Balaam or the philosophical question of “Is Saul also among the prophets?”.

Samuel then calls the people together in proclaiming Saul king over them but does not spare them the fact that they are indeed rejecting God once again in their desire to be like the other nations around them. Genesis 49:10 considered by most to be a messianic allusion to Jesus Christ the son of God, the true King of Israel see also; (Ezek. 21:27 Until he comes) Perhaps we get ahead of ourselves as did the desire of the people to be like the other nations in having a king instead of waiting for the prophesized king in Jesus Christ the son of God who was yet to come?

So then after Saul was found hidden among the equipment and he was brought forward from his hiding spot it was noticed again by all that there was no one like him among all the people and they all shouted “Long live the king!”. Even though the people rejected God in the act of demanding a king God gave them Saul from among themselves who was from the tribe of Benjamin when the promised king was to come from the tribe of Judah which David, Solomon and Jesus came from I guess that was overlooked by the people or perhaps we should consider it pure ignorance even though they had Samuel telling them it was wrong who was God’s voice and guidance for the people of Israel. The Genesis prophecy 49:10 or the messianic allusion was clear that the king would come from the tribe of Judah.

When something is clearly biblical such as do not judge which is mentioned as a statement many times throughout the Bible. How then do we whom are considered to be Christians; in the body of Christ allow ourselves the act of judging others when we are merely to be vessels of Gods uncommon love? Are you a vessel for God’s Love? Before you became a Christian were you a sinner? Are you a sinner still? What does the scripture say about that? Answer these questions and examine yourself before you would judge another and perhaps after a thorough self examination you may not judge others and consider yourself to be the purveyor of righteousness and an ambassador of God’s word here on earth when you are to be merely to be a vessel for his Love.

Remember Saul became king by simply looking for some donkeys that went missing he was minding his own business and got appointed king of Israel along the way. What is God appointing you to do for him? Are you willing to listen and wait for the appointment or will you rush ahead of God and find your own way?

I heard a prophetic word this week in that God is calling us all to a higher standard with His love as the common denominator… (psst spread the word)

Next – Walking with God Part V, A Good Start


The Lord bless and keep you;
The Lord make His face shine upon you,
And be gracious to you;
The Lord lift up his countenance upon you,
And give you peace.

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All posts by M.A.C. © Bruce W. Moar