Christianity has become big business and so is the persecution of Christians when you hear of persecutions the very next thing you hear is please send money to stop it. But what about the real persecution of the Christian person that is trying to follow Jesus right here at home and the assault of doctrine, denominational divergence and sea of unwritten rules they must muddle through on their journey. Not to mention the wholesale use of God's name as a swear in everyday verbal transactions that are promoted by Hollywood in movies as acceptable speech.
Confusion is the enemies tactic to keep us down and make us think that we need scholars and religious leaders to interpret our bible for us. Nothing can take the place of you reading your bible for yourself and digesting God's word into your daily life. Jesus said I have food you don't know about and that food is available to us all in the word of God. Remember they are watching you.
Who are they you might ask? Well, they are people who want to have what you have, believe what you believe and they are watching you, to see if you are for real. Love is the binding reality of the professing Christian for if you do all types of good deeds and are philanthropic at heart and people say all types of nice things about you. Remember if it is done without love you may as well not have done it at all.
Don't sweat the little stuff you've heard that before but when the little stuff is an everyday bombardment of your faith and belief system by others trying to catch you being wrong so they can judge you for the "Bad Christian" you truly are.
Well it approaches lunacy and it is something we need to internalize and deal with because it is real and uncalled for verbal aggression toward your belief system. You see when your belief system is attacked it makes you want to fight. And you also will remember exactly what was said and will react sometimes undesirably giving your attackers ammo for their judgment guns.
So with that said; do you know what you believe and why you believe it?
Lets start with your testimony knowing why you believe what you believe is important. It makes the interaction personal on your part as in I believe in Jesus because; then tell your story/testimony to your listeners. My suggestion would be to write it out completely and know it inside out. Practice they say makes perfect if you are not sure how to do it then ask here or send me an email and I'll walk you through the process.
Understanding is the catalyst that makes all the difference when sharing your faith with others. Understanding includes knowing the history of Christianity and the biblical precepts that show God in relation to us. Early Christian believers were persecuted by the Jewish leaders of the time whom refused to accept Jesus as the Messiah. And the Roman empire that was the law of the land at the time.
John the Baptist prepared the way and testified to the coming of our Lord and Saviour
Jesus Christ; Who said
- I am the Way
- The Truth
- And the Life
Now the history as it happened, Christianity went from a persecuted belief to a persecuting religion by the Romans under Constantine I. Early Christians were brutally persecuted by the Roman empire. Then when the Roman empire embraced Christianity they persecuted those that didn't believe their version of Christianity. Under Roman rule the atrocities committed in the name of God are simply horrid. All of Christendom as we know it is spawned from this system that introduced all types of idolatry and paganism that has since become doctrine and tradition. Such as;
- Marriage - The commercialization of marriage goes against the biblical version of marriage. Most people entering into marriage today must conform to the worldly version which is perpetuated in some Christian denominational church. The purchase of rings and all the other trappings are considered to be a showing of your love the greater the expense the greater your love... What a load of crap
- Church - You need to be a member of a church... No you do not need to be a member of any Christian denomination to be a believer of Jesus Christ
- Denominational Divergence - There are currently 30,000 plus Christian denominations competing for the souls of men and they are almost all off-shoots of the Roman Catholic system of belief that practice some form of idolatry or paganism within their traditions... Free your mind the rest will follow
- Debt - Is a form of slavery that is conforming to the world that is why I am sure the early Christians of the Acts 2: 42-47 church consolidated their resources to be free of debt and slavery to this world... Spread the word
- Tithing - Again look at the Acts 2: 42-47 church and use that template for a christian community that would relieve the financial burdens of believers and allow them to occupy their minds with God instead of financial burdens... tithing is not giving to a church but those in need of financial relief, if your socioeconomic position allows you to partner up with someone that struggles monthly please do it out of love and consider it your tithe
The Lord bless and keep you;
The Lord make His face shine upon you,
And be gracious to you;
The Lord lift up his countenance upon you,
And give you peace.
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